Television Human Rights Africa

 Empowering Voices, Enriching Lives: Stories of Impact

About Us 

At Tibaz Productions, we are passionate about harnessing the power of storytelling to amplify voices, advocate for human rights, and promote gender equality and social inclusion across Africa. We believe that media has the potential to transform societies, foster understanding, and inspire positive change.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create compelling media productions that challenge societal norms, break down barriers, and celebrate the diversity and resilience of the African continent. We strive to tell stories that resonate with audiences across cultures and geographies, sparking conversations and inspiring action towards a more just and equitable future.

Our Values

Our work is guided by the following core values:

·         Impact: We strive to create media that has a tangible impact on communities and individuals, promoting positive social change and lasting empowerment.

·         Authenticity: We believe in the power of authentic storytelling, capturing the essence of the African experience and giving voice to marginalized communities.

·         Innovation: We embrace innovation in our storytelling techniques, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and creative approaches to engage audiences and amplify our message.

·         Collaboration: We foster collaboration with diverse stakeholders, including grassroots organizations, community leaders, and media professionals, to ensure our productions are relevant, impactful, and aligned with local needs.

Our Productions

Our portfolio of productions encompasses a wide range of genres, including documentaries, feature films, television series, and educational content. We focus on stories that highlight human rights issues, promote gender equality, and advocate for social inclusion, addressing topics such as:

·         Empowering women and girls

·         Combating discrimination and prejudice

·         Promoting access to education and healthcare

·         Protecting human rights and civil liberties

·         Preserving cultural heritage and traditions

Our Impact

Our productions have been screened at international film festivals, broadcast on major television networks, and showcased in community events across Africa. We have also partnered with non-profit organizations to utilize our media as a tool for social activism and community empowerment.

Our Commitment

We are committed to using our platform to amplify the voices of those who are often unheard, challenging stereotypes, and promoting a more inclusive and equitable Africa. We believe that storytelling can be a powerful catalyst for social change, and we are dedicated to using our skills and creativity to make a positive impact on the continent.

Join Us

We invite you to join us on our journey to create media that matters. Together, we can empower voices, enrich lives, and shape a brighter future for Africa.