Documentary Climate Change Africa

Documenting Sustainable Solutions for a Changing Climate

About Us

Tibaz Productions is a media production company dedicated to amplifying stories of resilience, innovation, and sustainability across the African continent. We believe that storytelling has the power to inspire change, and we are committed to using our expertise to showcase the remarkable efforts of African communities and organizations in the face of climate change.

Our Mission

Our mission is to produce high-quality documentaries that:

  • Foster sustainable livelihoods and economic opportunities in the context of climate change in Africa.
  • Highlight the ingenuity and adaptability of African communities in addressing climate challenges.
  • Promote a deeper understanding of climate change's impact on Africa and its people.
  • Inspire action and collaboration towards a more sustainable and resilient future for Africa.

Our Approach

We take a participatory approach to filmmaking, working closely with local communities and organizations to ensure that our stories are authentic, relevant, and impactful. We believe in empowering local voices to tell their own stories, and we strive to create documentaries that resonate with audiences both within and outside of Africa.

Our Impact

Our documentaries have been screened at international film festivals, broadcast on leading television networks, and used in educational and advocacy campaigns. We are proud to have contributed to a growing awareness of climate change issues in Africa and to have inspired action for a more sustainable future.

Our Projects

We are currently working on a series of documentaries that explore innovative solutions to climate change in Africa. These projects include:

  • A documentary about a community-based initiative to restore degraded land in the Sahel region.
  • A film about a group of women entrepreneurs who are developing climate-resilient agricultural practices.
  • A documentary exploring the potential of renewable energy sources to transform African economies.

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in our mission to showcase Africa's resilience and innovation in the face of climate change. Your support can help us produce more impactful documentaries and reach a wider audience.

Together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for Africa.